
BYU Grad!

I finally did it! After 4 years, I am officially a graduate from "the BYU!" It was such a great day, even though I had to be there at 6:45am to do it! I got my degree in Elementary Education and am so glad I did. It took 5 changes of the major, and I don't think I could have gotten my degree in anything else and have such a love for it. I know there are times where some people have heard me vent about my class and the "crazy adventures" we have... But when it all comes down to it, I love teaching and I really do love the kids. The graduation day itself was great. There were great speakers that motivated me as a teacher so much to go out and try to make a difference in my job. L. Tom Perry was there as well and I got to shake his hand as I got my diploma. He was quite nice and congratulated me. The ceremony was great! As I was waiting to enter the ceremony, it all of a sudden hit me what was going on. I was fulfilling 2 childhood dreams of mine: One was to become a teacher, and the other to graduate from BYU. I was filled with emotion and joy that was quite surprising! It was such a great feeling and I am so thankful for the chance that I've had to go to BYU. I am also so thankful for the support that I've had from my amazing family and for all that they have done for me in my road through BYU. I am so thankful for the support of my sweet husband. He's only been around for a year of my college experience, but it has been a very tough year and he has been an amazing support to me through it all. All I can say is that I'm truly blessed to have been able to go to BYU and even more thankful to have been able to graduate from there.


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Kyle Kelley Family said...

way to go.... Congrats! I bet it's just weight off your shoulders knowing that your done!

Madison Grunig said...

Graduating from college is a HUGE accomplishment, so congratulations! I'm proud of you!

Kristie Romberg said...
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Kacie said...

Dear Kristie,
I love you.

Tammy said...

Woo-hoo! "The BYU" - lol! That's sooo "grandma Shirley!!" And congrats on the 3rd grade position - that will be a fun grade and good to be at the same school as some fam! Good luck!