This post is for family and freinds of the blog world. They blog world is not 100% save. Since i am kind of a computer person i wanted to explain something about what is going on. When you get a comment on your blog ---FROM SOMEONE YOU DON'T KNOW--- that says something like "Please click Here" and the "HERE" is in blue and it will take you to a web site. It is all a scam. It CAN get you a virus and your computer will run slow and you will call on me to fix it. So lets not let this happen. if you have to approve comments before they post delete them, If they show up right away try and get it deleted right away so friends don't click on it! Thanks for reading and hoping you understand!

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The Rombergs
Clayton and I met in Provo while we were both going to school. After only a short 8 weeks, we fell in love and he proposed. We were married 2 months later on August 7th, 2007. I am now staying at home and being a full time mommy, which I LOVE! Clayton works for Attask in Lehi and absolutely loves his job as their IT Administrator. We welcomed our son Zackary on May 5, 2009 and love having him in our home and love him so much! Max joined our family as our "Leap Day Baby" on February 29, 2012 and he is so sweet and happy! Life couldn't be better, and we are excited for what is to come!
You had to fix Vanessa's computer didn't you?? Why would people do that?? What is the purpose??
Thanks Clayton! I got the comment message on my blog this morning - and knew to delete it. Had I not read this post yesterday, I'd have curiously opened it and who knows what it would have done. Luckily, my virus protection is pretty high, but I still could have been in trouble. Thanks!
Kevin had one of those on his blog comments a few weeks ago. What if we click on it?
Aunt D.
If you clicked it and then clicked the X your mostly save!
Ok, good. I am mostly safe.
Aunt D.
Hey girl!! long time no see! i have a blog too y ou should add me
Hey, when are you guys going to put up pictures of Kristie's graduation. I am waiting because I didn't get to go.
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