

So, I took a test a little while back and the results were a bit interesting... I waited a while to get a second opinion, but the results still stand... Tell me what you think!

The result is positive and will take effect on April 26th! We're thrilled with the results and can't wait until then!

Kristie Romberg

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


    Elizabeth J. said...

    AHHH I was so excited when I saw this. Congrats to you two!!! What wonderful news!!!

    That puts you at about 10 weeks??? I hope things are going good (as far as morning sickness is concerned).

    So happy for you!

    Poulsen Family said...

    CONGRATS! You have had a lot of exciting things go on lately. Good to see that everything is going well for you.
    Courtney (Eddy) Poulsen

    Mandy Coffey said...

    WOW you guys! Congrats!!! A new home and a new addition! You're really on a roll :) lol

    Sarah said...

    YAHOOOOOOOOO! That's awesome! That's my birthday (I mean, that due date is my birthday.) Yeah! That is so exciting! I was hoping there was going to be a happy ending to your last blog about your flood, etc. Congrats guys. That is great news.

    Anonymous said...

    YEA!!! We are so excited for you!!!! Congratulations! Keep us posted on the progress!!!

    Beads Bee Boutique said...

    Congratulations! Being a mom is the best thing in the world. I'm super excited for you. :)

    Brittney said...

    Kristie! YAY! That's so exciting!! Congratulations!! :)

    TheOrttFamily said...

    Hey congrats you two...just saw you and you didn't say anything..ahh so sneaky!!Happy for ya...

    Hansen Family said...

    Congratulations. Now the fun will really never end. Floods will now be caused by a kid flushing something down the toilet.:) We are really happy for you.

    Madison Grunig said...

    Wahoo and congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and hope the pregnancy is going well. Please keep us all updated.

    Jenalee said...

    oh my goodness! A new house..a new kidlet! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to both of you!

    L.S.Marshall said...

    I think it is a modern day miracle... Congratulation. I am sure it is a girl. 'Cause the lines are pink...


    LauraP said...

    Kristie that is so awesome!! I know I know somebody from the month of November now until the month of April having a baby each of those months!! How exciting for you guys :)

    Ryan said...

    Kristie! My mom told me the news and I found your blog on my sister's blog. Congratulations! What great news!

    Kenneth and Valerie Romberg said...

    Woooo Hoooo!!! Awesome. Boy or Girl just healthy. Send some photo's of those pictures when you get them hung. (Kristie, we knew their was a reason you could not think to well in the position of where you wanted things while we were there) Gee there must have been something else on your mind! Congrat's we are so excited.

    Cecily said...

    A baby! A baby! A baby!
    We love the babies.
    This is the VERY best news.
    Love ya! (But, since I am currently in Texas, it's love ya'll.
    Aunt Cecily

    The Five T's said...

    WOW great news, buckle up. It's going to be the most exciting ride of your life, and full of the most surprises.Enjoy every moment.

    mc said...

    Congrats you guys!
    Lucky you have a house to fit one more person in. Keep us updated with everything.

    Kacie said...

    I'm going to be an AUNT!! Yeah! Kristie, promise me that you will please call me alot during the pregnancy. There is nothing funner than being able to vent and compare with someone who has been there. Plus we are sisters, and that is what sisters do.

    Alyssa said...

    CONGRATULATIONS KRISTIE!!!! :) wow... I can't believe it! Your going to be a mom! And you've been pregnant for awhile!!! ...... You sure do hide it well! Good luck, and let me know if you need anything!

    Kyle Kelley Family said...

    CONGRATS!!!! You have not idea how excited we are for the two of you! Don't forget to call me when you need a babysitter! Allison loves babies!!! Hope all is going well it's been a little while since we last saw you!

    Skye, Patrick & the Kids said...

    haha Yay! just one more person to comment on this blog! but im so happy for you! i havent had internet for a while which is why it took me so long to find out! Congrats! how have you been feeling?

    Derek and Tomi said...

    Congradulations!! that is so awesome im so happy for you! let me know what it is! love you

    The Degener's said...

    We are so happy for you two! Congrats! Now the real fun begins. Will you be taking a newborn to Sand Mountain for Easter? Hey... Add us to your friends list. We are "thedegenerfamily" .
    Troy, Karissa, & family

    The Degener's said...
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