So, we had our doctor's appointment today. The votes are in and the verdict from the doctor is in! However, I do have to say, someone should prep you for that appointment! Our technician was talking a million miles an hour checking for things and then randomly threw in there the gender of the baby... I had to ask her at the end if she was sure and that she was positive everything was normal! Note to any pregnant woman: As sad as it sounds, you and your husband may be the only excited people in that ultra sound room! They don't put on a big show for you, although you are so stinkin' excited! Their job is to come in, check for a normal baby, and get out... And that's just about what you get! But despite the rushed appointment, we are still excited about our little baby. So, I'm sure you are reading this post just desperately waiting to find out what we were so excited to see when we went in... So without further adieu... Clayton and I are proud to make the announcement....
Hope you all are just as excited as we are! Thanks for your votes and your support!
Kristie Romberg
Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.
Congrats...Congrats..we are so excited for you...So now we know it's a boy I am going to have to part with all my girl stuff and find a new home for it all...But sad to say I didn't save any boy sorry..
Congrats! We are excited for you. Our first two babies the technician gave us a little hype regarding the gender. But, with this third one it was just like you described. "Oh, and by the way, It's a boy." SLOW DOWN!
We are excited for you, we'll give you all the hype we can over the net, YIPPEE!!! You never have to deal with that tech again, but be as excited, as much as you want. Boys are awesome, yes we like our girls too. CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH YEAH!
YAY!!! Congrats on the baby boy! Unfortunately, (not that I know from experience) from working in the imaging field at a hospital, I DO KNOW that sonographers are busy looking at other things of the baby and not its gender. ;-) That is such exciting news!!!!!
I hope the little one will be just as sweet and wonderful as my little Clayton, he was a joy, and was the best baby you could ask for. Not only baby but growing up was a good boy, he was of course he's told you the perfect child, I am sure, but... having said that, he was quite obedient. Congrats, to you both, hope he is healthy and soon will bring you much more joy. Love ya, Mom R.
Clayton and I met in Provo while we were both going to school. After only a short 8 weeks, we fell in love and he proposed. We were married 2 months later on August 7th, 2007. I am now staying at home and being a full time mommy, which I LOVE! Clayton works for Attask in Lehi and absolutely loves his job as their IT Administrator. We welcomed our son Zackary on May 5, 2009 and love having him in our home and love him so much! Max joined our family as our "Leap Day Baby" on February 29, 2012 and he is so sweet and happy! Life couldn't be better, and we are excited for what is to come!
Congrats...Congrats..we are so excited for you...So now we know it's a boy I am going to have to part with all my girl stuff and find a new home for it all...But sad to say I didn't save any boy sorry..
Congrats! We are excited for you. Our first two babies the technician gave us a little hype regarding the gender. But, with this third one it was just like you described. "Oh, and by the way, It's a boy." SLOW DOWN!
Congratulations! I still can't believe you are having a baby, thats awesome though :)
Congratulations to you........Boys are lots of fun.........
We are excited for you, we'll give you all the hype we can over the net, YIPPEE!!!
You never have to deal with that tech again, but be as excited, as much as you want. Boys are awesome, yes we like our girls too. CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH YEAH!
YAY YAY YAY!! Porter has a buddy when we have family get togethers!!! THAT ROCKS!! I'm so excited for you!
Congratulations! Boys are so much fun. You will love him more than you thought possible!
Congrats! Boys are much easier than girls. Just watch out...little boys love to pee on you!
Congrats! we are very excited for you guys! I'm excited that my vote was right! I just knew it.. So do you have his name picked out yet?
YAY!!! Congrats on the baby boy! Unfortunately, (not that I know from experience) from working in the imaging field at a hospital, I DO KNOW that sonographers are busy looking at other things of the baby and not its gender. ;-) That is such exciting news!!!!!
I hope the little one will be just as sweet and wonderful as my little Clayton, he was a joy, and was the best baby you could ask for. Not only baby but growing up was a good boy, he was of course he's told you the perfect child, I am sure, but... having said that, he was quite obedient.
Congrats, to you both, hope he is healthy and soon will bring you much more joy. Love ya, Mom R.
So exciting! I want to see pics of the baby pump!!
So happy for everyone.
Love ya!
Aunt Cecily
Woo-hoo! Sorry the appt. was so lame...I've always had really nice techs. So maybe your next one will be better. Congrats!!
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